Sunday, June 28, 2009

when the night comes.

My hardest part of a day is after 8 when apple is in bed. It is unavoidable.
There is something about the silence in this house that makes me crazy. The loneliness is something that I have still not come to terms with.

This weekend was unavoidable as well. Apple's dad had asked to take her for some extra time... normally he takes her on Saturday mornings until Sundays at noon. (every other weekend)
He picked her up on Friday morning... and she arrives shortly after dinner tonight.
This is the longest that I have been separated from her. This is the longest period of time I have gone with out seeing her beautiful face, and hearing her laugh.

I have come to terms with the facts.
The reality is that I need a break. The second part of the of this reality is that this is what my life looks like now. I have to get used to this.

I attempt to busy myself with time with friends and family, and with projects and work... but it never really feels the same with out her.
I am constantly feeling like someone cut my arm off.

Let's just say I am a work in progress.

The great thing that I did this weekend was steam cleaning the carpets.
Yes, I said that.

Apple had quite a barfy night last Sunday... and i had cleaned the carpets.. but lets just say that I did not realize how disgusting the carpets had actually become until i saw the difference between the barf spot that I cleaned up and the rest of the carpet.
So because I am stubborn and refuse to ask for help, I ended up lifting a 700lb couch on my own...Not the smartest idea today as I can barely feel my arms, and every time I attempt to sit down my legs scream in pain. (yes that includes when I have to go to the bathroom.... so i have cut myself off liquids for the rest of the day in an effort to reduce the sitting)

But I got it done on my own.... which again, is a little victory for me.

Apple will be back in my arms in about in an hour.
Another little(big) victory.