Friday, August 21, 2009

excuse me miss.

Lately, I have doubt in myself.

I am sure all of you reading this do as well.

There are days... so many of them, where I doubt my choices and most importantly I doubt my feelings.

Sometimes things seem so clear to me... almost like I can see the future.

I can see that we will be fine, I can see pure happiness in my life, I can see the life I always wanted happening for us

It's so real... It's so close.....

Then, the dark cloud of doubt sinks in.

Within minutes I can talk myself out of what I am feeling and thinking and convince myself that things will be complete and utter shit for the rest of my life.

How is this possible?

That I can feel so good some days and so "complete and utter shit" others.

I don't think I will ever know the answer.

Funny thing is, today is not one of the bad days.

I have pushed harder then ever this week.
I have made a lot of progress on things that were really hard for me to do, but i finished what I had to do, and I am on to the next step.

There is something that I have been reminding myself of a lot lately that my grandpa used to say to me;

"Never fight an ugly person, cause they got nothing to lose"

Remember, ugly isn't always on the outside.