Mostly because it sometimes seems like to much to say, but other times I think I am the only one in the world who must be feeling this way....or maybe I am just to ashamed to admit what really goes on.
But lately I started to understand that we are all sort of interconnected with our emotions and feelings.
An easy example is my beautiful little girl.
That same little girl that I tell you says and does all those sweet and amazing things also does the following;
Screams bloody murder when I tell her no.
Screams bloody murder when I take something away from her.
Screams bloody murder basically at the drop of a dime.
She slaps me.
She hits me.
She throws down any where at any time... meaning, she will lay on the floor at home, shoppers, my family's houses and lose her mind for no good reason.
Throws food on the floor, at the dog and at me.
Rips apart books.
You name it she has done it.
For example, I went to fill up the dog's food container the other day in the garage, it is a two minute task.
This is what happened with in that two minutes.
After this, she decided it would be a good idea to rip down the entire wood part of the toy bin.
The funny thing about all this is that for the longest time I only told the people closest to me what a struggle she had become. It is sometimes so painfully hard to even get through an hour with her.
There are more days then I would like to admit that I want to run screaming from the house.
It wasn't until I started to open up to everyone around me that I realized, everyone with kids is dealing with the same things I am.
It has nothing to do with being a single parent, and everything to do with just being a parent.
So these days instead of saying she is "great" when people ask, I tell them how she tried to rip the cats tail off, or how she threw a massive tantrum on the floor at Walmart.
The honesty about what I am dealing with or what goes on here on a daily basis is so important, to not only those closest to me.... but to everyone.
This is what life is like, it's the things we don't say that tend to be the most important.