Her moving here.... it really started to get ahold of me. I thought I had gotten passed it, and it just stopped me dead in my tracks.
It hit Thursday night and lasted right through until Monday.
For the life of me I could not shake it. I couldn't call get a handle on myself.... and I 100% shut down.
I didn't answer the phone, I didn't call anyone, I didn't do anything.
I knew there were things that could get me out of the place I was in.
I chose not to do them.
For no other reason then I feel like my story is old--- I shouldn't care about this.
But I did... for those days nothing seemed worse to me then having her here in this city.
I figured out why I had gotten so upset originally, and from there I tried to find my way out of this mess.
You see the simple truth is...I am humiliated.
Not only did my husband have an affair for months on end, but he then proceeded to move her here---
(I know as some of you read this... you say to yourself "get over it" I can only tell you that until this happens to you, you will never ever have any idea of what this feels like---- my only advice to you, is if you don't like what you read, then please just stop reading)
On Tuesday of this week a reader made a comment on my blog that changed my humiliation into the most positive boost of energy I could have asked for. (thanks so much for the comment)
There were also a few great people who gave me the kick in the ass i needed to snap out of it.
Someone pretty smart said to me that "as long as your just taking side steps and not going backwards your going a good job"
So i'm back to this new normal place, where life looks good and I feel a lot like a girl i used to know, I just got stuck on a side step.