It's a process.
I tell myself that every minute of every day.
It's a process.
Things change, people change, feelings and emotions change.
I have changed.
I am not the same person I was a few months ago, or a few years ago.
This whole thing has changed me.
Not everything. But a lot of really important things.
I remember that I was always nervous, I was anxious all the time at one point I took medication for it.
I was always waiting for the other shoe to drop, always waiting for "it" to happen.
Well, "it" did.
It happened, and I lived through it.
I am no longer nervous, I am no longer scared....I'm not actually just letting each day pass me by. I am living it--happily living it.
I look back at the last few months and realize that my path here was riddeled in mistakes and bull shit. I have some regrets, but most of all I am looking at everything I did as a way to get where I am today. I am proud of apple and I.
I feel like we are rounding this corner... and all I can see ahead is the good stuff.
Today is my birthday, and I am 32 years old. If I am realisitic about this--- I have had the best year of my life.
I gave birth to my daughter, who I love more than anything in this world.
I found a career, that I am so excited about and love-- and that I am good at.
I got closer to my family.
I got closer to old friends.
I got closer to new friends.
I lived through hell, and came out the other side smiling.
Who gets this lucky in life?
I know I didn't get here alone.
So Thank You, for your love, your calls, your strength and your patience.
I owe a lot of you more than you will ever know.
I will be posting a pretty tough blog in the next few days that I have been working on for 2 months and 15 days.
When you read it, Please remember todays blog.